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Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physicsand statistics

Segal-Shale-Weil representation and connected global analysis

Speaker’s name: 
Svatopluk Krysl
Speaker’s affiliation: 


in IM building, ground floor
Wednesday, 20. March 2019 - 11:30 to 12:30

The Segal-Shale-Weil representation, which is a unitary representation of the double cover of a finite dimensional symplectic Lie group, was introduced by D. Shale a A. Weil in the beginning of sixties. This representation is unitary and splits into two irreducible (i.e., simple closed) modules. Its complex version can be induced to the principle bundle of the double cover of (complexified) symplectic frames defined over a symplectic manifold, similarly as spinor bundles are associated to spin structures on Riemannian manifolds. Resulting bundles are called symplectic spinor bundles.

For the induced bundle structures, one can define several operators of Dirac type (K. Habermann around 1995). However since the symplectic spin bundles are of infinite rank, analysis for these operators is rather difficult. Especially till now, just spectral problems over homogeneous symplectic manifolds can be treated and no qualitative results for more general cases are known. Index theory and Hodge theory which are available for finite rank bundles are missing for the symplectic ‘Diracs’.

I outline a definition of the Segal-Shale-Weil representation, explain notions of Hilbert C*-modules and bundles, introduce the Hodge theory for Hilbert C*-bundles briefly, and show how it may be applied for symplectic spinors