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Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physicsand statistics

Reduction cohomology on complex manifolds

Speaker’s name: 
Alexander Zuevsky
Speaker’s affiliation: 
Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences


ZOOM meeting
Wednesday, 24. March 2021 - 11:30 to 12:30
Developing ideas of classical work of Feigin, and its development by Wagemann,
and proceed with a generalization of ideas of above works. We describe the
notion of a cohomology theory of infinite formal series with non-commutative
modes and localization of variables on Riemann surfaces, constructed via
characteristic functions reduction formulas. We will mention algebraic
conditions leading to chain property of complexes for characteristic functions,
and represent further restrictions on modular form coefficients in reduction formulas.
Relations of reduction cohomologies to analytic continuations of Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov
equations as well as an example of application of Bott-Segal theorem will also be mentioned.
Jacobi forms case example will be considered.

 We open ZOOM meeting at 11.15 and close at 13.00
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 995 9841 3922

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