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Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physicsand statistics

First lecture: Local entropy for finite time dynamics, Second lecture: On the behavior of the Diaconis-Freedman chain in a multi-dimensional simplex

Speaker’s name: 
Hoang Duc Luu and Tat Dat Tran
Speaker’s affiliation: 
MPI MIS Leipzig


in IM building, ground floor
Wednesday, 22. May 2019 - 11:15 to 12:45
Local entropy for finite time dynamics (by  Hoang Duc Luu)

Abstract: This talk aims to introduce a concept of entropy for difference and differential equations which is a local-in-space and transient-in-time version of the classical concept of metric entropy. Based on that, a finite-time version of Pesin’s entropy formula arederived. I would also discuss about how to apply the finite-time entropy field to detect special dynamical behavior such as Lagrangian coherent structures, and how to relate the topic to information geometry.

On the behavior of the Diaconis-Freedman chain in a multi-dimensional simplex (by Tat Dat Tran)

Abstract: In this talk, I consider the asymptotic behavior of a Diaconis-Freedman chain in a multi-dimensional simplex from the point of view of the iterated function systems. I first give out some sufficient conditions to have a unique invariant probability measure. I then give out explicit formulas of invariant probability density in some special cases. Finally, I illustrate a completely classify of all behaviors of this chain in two dimensional. This is the joint work with Juergen Jost and Marc Peigne.
The    seminar     starts     at 11.15   today, since  we have two lectures!