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Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physicsand statistics

G-structures on NQ-manifolds and gauge theory: Cancelled!

Speaker’s name: 
Alexei Kotov
Speaker’s affiliation: 
Univ. Hradec Kralove


Seminar room Konirna, in front IM building, ground floor
Wednesday, 23. October 2019 - 11:30 to 12:30
An NQ-manifold is a non-negatively graded super manifold  together with
a homological super vector field of degree 1. This talk will be about
compatibility of certain G-structures on such a manifold with the
corresponding Q-field and applications of this formalism to constructing
of gauge sigma-models.

The talk is cancelled because of the health  condition of the speaker.

The next seminar   starts  on TUESDAY   29  October   at 11 AM