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Noncommutative Geometry and Topology in Prague

Split extensions and KK-equivalences for quantum projective spaces

Speaker’s name: 
Sophie Emma Mikkelsen
Speaker’s affiliation: 
Syddansk Universitet, Odense


This talk will take place in the blue seminar room, back building, Žitná 25.

It will also be broadcast on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 919 7518 3920
Passcode: 102707
Tuesday, 12. April 2022 - 16:00 to 17:00
In this talk, I will present an explicit KK-equivalence between the noncommutative C^*-algebra of continuous functions on the Vaksman–Soibelman quantum complex projective space C(\mathbb{C}P_q^n) and the commutative algebra \mathbb{C}^{n+1}. The KK-equivalence is constructed by finding an explicit splitting for the short exact sequence of C^*-algebras \mathcal{K}\to C(\mathbb{C}P_q^n)\to C(\mathbb{C}P_q^{n-1}). In the construction of the splitting it is crucial that C(\mathbb{C}P_q^n) can be described as a graph C^*-algebra due to Hong and Szymański. 

This talk is based on joint work with Francesca Arici.