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Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physicsand statistics

From the real cobordism theory to the Kervaire invariant one problem

Speaker’s name: 
Guchuan Li
Speaker’s affiliation: 
Michigan University


ZOOM meeting
Wednesday, 24. May 2023 - 13:30 to 14:30
I will review how the real cobordism theory plays an important
role in Hill—Hopkins—Ravenel’s solution to the  Kervaire invariant one
problem and leads to new computations in chromatic homotopy theory at the
prime 2. Then I will report about my joint work with Po Hu, Igor Kriz, Petr
Somberg, and Foling Zou on the construction of odd prime analogues of real
cobordism theory.
We shall open the seminar room+ZOOM meeting at 13.15 for virtual coffee
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