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Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physicsand statistics

First BGG operators on homogeneous parabolic geometries

Speaker’s name: 
Jan Gregorovic
Speaker’s affiliation: 
University Hradec Kralove


ZOOM meeting
Wednesday, 17. March 2021 - 11:30 to 12:30
I will briefly review the theory of BGG operators on parabolic geometries and show, how to construct and find (normal) solutions of first BGG operators on homogeneous parabolic geometries, in detail. In particular, such a solution can be obtained by purely algebraic computations and using representation theory. This simplifies a construction of examples of BGG operators on nonflat homogeneous parabolic geometries admitting nontrivial solutions, which otherwise appear only rarely in the literature. I will present one of such examples in CR geometry with nontrivial solutions for subriemannian metrizability among others.

We  open ZOOM meeting at 11.15   and close   at 13.00

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