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Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physicsand statistics

On the different perspective of the Casals-Murphy criterion of looseness

Speaker’s name: 
Roman Golovko
Speaker’s affiliation: 
Charles University


ZOOM meeting
Wednesday, 7. October 2020 - 11:30 to 12:30
We show that inside a trivial open book $\partial (W\times D^2)$ with page being a Weinstein manifold $(W, d\theta)$, any Legendrian which is contained entirely inside a page and which intersects some cocore disc transversely in a single point is loose. This leads to the alternative proof of Casals-Murphy criterion of looseness. This is joint work with Georgios Dimitroglou Rizell.

ZOOM  meeting  shall be opened at  11.20  at


Meeting ID: 995 9841 3922

Passcode: 097923

  and closed  at 13.00


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