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Relativity seminar

Charged free bosons in 2d and spontaneous symmetry breaking from holography

Speaker’s name: 
Felipe Diaz
Speaker’s affiliation: 
Universidad Andres Bello


Institute of Mathematics of ASCR, Zitna  25, Praha 1
rear building, ground floor
Thursday, 1. June 2023 - 13:30 to 14:30
Extending the holographic prescription for obtaining the Renyi entropy in theories with global symmetries to the case where the global symmetries are generated by nonlinear sources, we show that conformal electrodynamics in 2+1 dimensions reproduce the exact same entropies and conformal weight of the generalized twist operators of a two-dimensional conformal complex free boson. Moreover, we consider thermal fluctuations in the gravity partition function which generates new subleading divergences in the entanglement entropy which resembles the one appearing in field theories with spontaneous symmetry breaking due to infrared perturbations of the ground state. We comment on the possibility of interpreting these results in terms of holography beyond the saddle point approximation