We introduce an explicit combinatorial characterization of the minimal model of the
coloured operad encoding non-symmetric operads, introduced in [3]. The polytopes
of our characterization are hypergraph polytopes [1, 2] whose hypergraphs arise in a
certain way from rooted trees – we refer to them as operadic polytopes. In particular,
each operadic polytope displays the homotopy relating different ways of composing
the nodes of the corresponding rooted tree. In this way, our operad structure gener-
alizes the structure of Stasheff’s topological A ∞ -operad: the family of associahedra
corresponds to the suboperad determined by linear rooted trees. We then further
generalize this construction into a combinatorial resolution of the coloured operad
encoding non-symmetric cyclic operads.
[1] K. Došen, Z. Petrić, Hypergraph polytopes, Topology and its Applications 158,1405–1444, 2011.
[2] P.-L. Curien, J....